(these are all things that came up in the last rehearsal.)
1) The “center” is in a low place. Generally, the “center” which you dip into to feel the saturation for each phrase is placed low in the body, so there will generally be a feeling that you are “dropping down into” the center. Remembering this will help you to find opportunities to drop excess tension out of the scene, as you must relax more to get down into the saturated feeling.
2) How to avoid the sensation that the energy is “stuck” or that you feel “stuck” in the scene:
Remember that what you are trying to feel is the flow of the scene, that is, the quality of how the scene’s energy moves. The goal is to feel it flowing in an unimpeded way, that is, to feel it moving in the natural way that it wants to move. If you keep in mind that you are feeling the way that the scene’s energy is moving, you will be able to avoid the feeling that the scene is getting “stuck.”
3) You don’t want to get seduced into hanging out in the level of narrative, that is, you don’t want to become so fascinated by the question of “what happens next?” that you spend the scene answering this question and continually looking to find out what happens next and what happens next.
Likewise, you don’t want to get seduced into hanging out in the level of images. If you find yourself in a landscape with purple balls hanging in the sky, you don’t want to be seduced into merely following the thread of “then the purple balls turned into umbrellas, and the umbrellas sprouted tassels of corn, and the sky turned bright green…”
Instead, you want to construct the scene by following the Prime Directive: Keep on Getting More Saturated and More Saturated. If, as a result of following the Prime Directive, it turns out that the words coming out of your mouth do keep telling a story, or that you do continue to find out what happens to a series of visual images, there is nothing wrong with that, because you know that this is only a result of getting more and more saturated.
In other words (from an emotional perspective) you want to avoid the seductiveness of wanting to know “what happens next” and the seductiveness of wanting to see “what happens to the images” by replacing it with the much deeper, richer and more productive seductiveness of “fill myself up with more and more rich, saturated feeling.”
5) Speaking of which: it is very helpful to remember that “saturation” is a full body sensation. It may be that you can easily find the saturation by going into your “center,” but the feeling you are looking for is one that infuses your whole body, not just one part of you. Remembering this will help you to get a much richer, fuller saturation in your scenes.
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